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Fields of Lompoc -- Evening Clouds Approaching

Not much to write today.

I t was a hectic day at work because we had a manditory "team bulding event". Everybody had to leave the office by 11am.

Don't get me wrong, these are fun events -- but they seem to coincide with days that are awful for me. Sometimes they kill my chance at getting ahead of the L.A. traffic for the drive to Lompoc. And, they occasionally involve doing things that I would rather do with Janice -- and then she's bummed too because we either miss something she'd want to do or she hates the fact that I have to re-do something (which leads her to believe it must be boring me -- usually not a true assumption.) So all-in-all I have mixed feelings. Maybe if they weren't always on Fridays.

Anyway that made for a busy day. One without much to share with y'all.

I did make great time driving tonight; 2:57 including about a half hour stop at Costco. For a Friday in L.A. that's great! Then again, on a Sunday the southbound trip is about 1:45 plus stops.

But I have arrived in Lompoc even if the evening clouds bet me here.


Anonymous said…
Just so you know, the distance is 150 miles from Lompoc to Jim's place. That 1.75 hour drive is a pretty quick one
VagabondJim said…
I have a lead foot, true. But then I recall the time my Mom asked you to make sure I didn't speed as we drove from CVG to Lompoc. Your answer was something to the effect of: "Ummmm, I'm the wrong person to ask -- I drive pretty fast too."
dkearns72 said…
i have noticed that the chances of getting a speeding ticket in California, while still possible, are much, much lower than anyplace i've lived.
VagabondJim said…
Anything under 80mph on the 101, CA-1, or any interstate is ticket free. I frequently average 90mph for the 150 miles to L.A.

Then again, I have the best RADAR detector available (and Janice has one too) -- the Valentine One.
Anonymous said…
I find that driving to work at 0430 is conducive to speeding. The darkness and lack of significant traffic (yes, there are other idiots on the road at the same ridiculous hour) help as well. Maybe it's just because I like to go fast.... we definitely have that in common Rally Boy!!

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