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Fame awaits

More on this later (damn, I hate workin' for livin') but Andrew Sullivan has some of my stuff on his blog.

Click over to:

Later Update:

So Andrew Sullivan and I don't have a helluvalot in common -- as I wrote to him, it breaks out like this:

Andrew vs. Jim

* Catholic vs. Lapsed Catholic, Atheist
* Gay vs. Straight
* Staunch Federalist vs. Not Staunch
* Beagles vs. Poodles
* American style tea vs. British style (Too long w/ 5 Brits on a very small boat…)
* “Conservative” vs. “Liberal”

Anyway, in spite of our differences I find his blog to be required reading. He's well spoken, well reasoned, and willing to reconsider his positions. That makes him a great read. So I check in on his site 5-7 times a day.

He has an ongoing feature called "The View From Your Window". He posts pictures from readers that show the view from their window. Not snapshots from their travels, not their artsy pics, just the image of what they see when they literally look at the world. There have been pictures from literally around the globe. I love the feature.

Several months ago I took a nightime shot out my apartment window. It was done with a 3 year old P/S Canon. Not a bad little camera, just not quite suited for the task. Andrew did not see fit to post it.

This weekend I bought a Nikon D40x. I took pictures in Lompoc on Monday (follow the FLICkr link). Tuesday I had the camera in the office because I intended to shot that evening at the Santa Monica Pier. As long as I had the camera...

I deliberately left the venetian blinds down for the shot -- I think it highlights the "window" nature of the thing.

The building across the street is The Water Garden -- fans of CSI: Miami may recognize it as the Biscayne Courthouse from that show. But that's another post....



Anonymous said…
The photographs are gorgeous! Are any stock images available at prices a poor freelance writer can afford? If so, point me to the site where they can be purchased.
dkearns72 said…
Nicely done!

Did he send any note about picking urs?
VagabondJim said…

I've had the camera that I've used for those pics a grand total of 5 days I think. It's my first DSLR. So there certainly isn't a volume of work large enough to consider selling as stock, yet. Sorry.

I will probably look into finding a "micro-stock" agency at somepoint.

An old friend, who I have not seen in years, runs an internet stock site. I can't vouch for anything about his business -- I simply don't know enough to assess the prices, selection, or quality compared to others in the space.

But I will say that Bahar is a tremendous man and great person. So on that basis I'd urge you to look at

Damn, I should re-connect with him.

VagabondJim said…

Nope. I just saw it in one of my regular visits to his wonderful site.

Anonymous said…
I'm experiencing gadget envy now. I've bookmarked Index Stock for future reference. Thanks.
dkearns72 said…
Jim, do u ever experience gadget envy? :)
VagabondJim said…
How could I, I usually just give in and buy whatever gadget I might have considered envying. Sure, I cause my younger brother some angst over my material ways, but at least I have cool toys.

That is what it's all about today, right?

My weltanshaung: toys are good.
VagabondJim said…
New blog rule: every comment must have at least one anglicized German word in it... And, they must be used ina proper and appropriate context. Ersatz German in the form of Yiddish is open to consideration.
VagabondJim said…
That settles it -- Yiddish is verboten.

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